Thursday, July 31, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

Wow! What a week we've had--and it's just getting started!
It would take too long to tell you all the fun stuff we've been up to, I'll try to be brief! Monday morning: David, Bethany, David's dad and I all hiked up to Timp Cave. That hike is insane! Bethany did fantastic, I was so proud of her! She hiked the entire way up! Anyway, unfortunately I forgot my camera and am still sorrowing over all the missed photo opportunities, it was gorgeous up there!
Tuesday: Seven Peaks! I'd never been there before, so glad we got to go. The kids LOVED it!! These first pictures are from that.
Wednesday: We went up to Temple Square and watched the Joseph Smith movie, I bawled like always! It was good to do that, I'm glad we did. Last night we also went to Dave's Aunt's for dinner, it was a ton of food! The next set of pictures are from Temple Square.

Riding the trax!

Enjoying beautiful Temple Square!

I have a bunch more pictures of other stuff, but they're on my other camera and I haven't gotten around to uploading those! The next few days will be crazy with all the family reunion stuff coming up. Look forward to the posts that will include: bowling, line dancing, hula hooping, water melon spitting, bubble gum blowing, face painting and so on! I know you're all super excited!

Friday, July 25, 2008

What's Going On?

Well, what IS going on?! Not much for me this week, but next week....Oh man are we gonna be busy! David's whole family will be here this next week for a family reunion. All week we'll be doing fun stuff like bowling and line dancing and eating and laughing and taking pictures of course! There are a ton of fun things to look forward to! We were going to go to the Grand Canyon on Monday, but it just didn't quite work out, so we're thinking of maybe doing Lagoon or Seven Peaks or something, which will be super fun to! I'm also excited because we're going to hike up to Timp Cave, which I've wanted to do since we moved here but just never have, so yay! So anyway, just so you know, if I don't post much this next little bit, thats why!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Steel Days Parade!

Saturday morning was the parade and Shauna asked me and my kids to be part of her float for the daycare--ooh how glamorous! Not really, I was hot and sweaty and sticky! haha The theme for her float was "aloha", so the kids wore their swim suits and sat in a little floaty pool. The adults weren't so lucky, we wore aprons with the daycare's logo and handed out fliers and candy, not that it was bad, we just didn't get to sit in the shaded cool float! :) It was funny because you can't throw the candy (maybe some poor child was beaned in the head one year?!), so I started out by just handing handfuls to kids. That quickly faded as I was getting way behind our group and wasting all the candy! It was fun to see how excited all the kids were, and I was surprised at how many people I saw that I actually knew! I guess I would have seen more, but I was only on one side of the street, oh well! Dave waited down at the end of the parade and took pictures--like five of each entry!:)--but the battery died before we got to him! darn! After the parade, I went to help paint Leanne's bathroom, it was fun to visit with her and the kids had a blast. They discovered a little pool in her backyard and within minutes were all soaking and soon after that just plain naked! haha Today was fun too, David's been dying to see the new Batman movie, so we got to do that today. It really was a pretty cool movie, we enjoyed it a lot! I won't say much more about it, I think you can just experience it for yourself!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Heber Valley

Last night was our last night of Camp, I was so happy I could go back up and visit again. I was up there from about 4 until around 11:30, it was a long time to be away but really worth it to spend time with the girls and participate in our testimony meeting. The first few pictures are of the beautiful-ness of Heber Valley via Erica. Then there's pictures of the chicken contest, you can tell which ones those are by the flapping arms. Then some random pics and we had a dance-off which was hysterical, and there's a few pics from that! I wish I could have stayed the whole week, the setting is amazing and the feeling is even more! But I am thankful I could go at all, the little time I was there was awesome!! I wish I could put up all the pictures, but there's like 300 I think! One of the best parts of the night though (that I was too emotional to take pictures of!) was the Stake gave out a new award this year, one in memory of Jolyn. Pres. Sermon talked for a little bit,and then they had Ron come up and present it to Meg Rodeback (sp?) who has a kidney disease, it was so beautiful! I loved it!

The judges for the rooster crowing contest!

Showing the Bishop some love!

Dance contest--Brenna was hysterical!

Singing our Camp Song at the end of the devotional, it was so special!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Girls' Camp

I got to head up to camp last night for a few hours, I got there just in time for skit night! It was so fun to see the girls and watch the skit they put together, I won't try to explain it and I know the pictures will seem odd, but it was way funny and they did a great job! It was fun to make smores and hang out, but so hard to leave! I'm really excited to head back up tomorrow to see them for testimony meeting! I hope they're having a fantastic time!

Extra: I'm adding this little game to the end of this post, thought it would be fun to do!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.